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Specialties 專長課程

IANTD Nitrox Diver 高氧潛水員課程


  • 課程內容:

  1. 本課程是設計提供休閒潛水員在12~39公尺深的水域一個比空氣更安全的潛水呼吸氣體。

  2. 通過本課程認証可讓潛水員使用高氧混合氣包含了21%~40%的氧混合比。

  • 參加資格:

  1. 須具有等同於IANTD初級開放水域或其他相同等級資歷證書。

  2. 必須年滿15歲以上且須家長同意書,或18歲以上!



  • Purpose:

  1. This program is designed to provide Sport Divers with a safer than air breathing medium for enjoying dives in the 12 to 39m depth ranges. 

  2. The program covers the use of EANx mixes in the range of 21% to a maximum of 40% oxygen 

  • Prerequisites:

  1. You must be certified as an Open Water Diver or any Entry level diver equivalent.

  2. Must be a minimum of 15 years of age with parent or guardian authorization, or a minimum of 12 years of age for Junior diver qualification, or a minimum of 18 years of age without guardian approval.

For more course information, please check our Schdule or contact us

IANTD Essentials Diver 精進潛水員課程


  • 課程內容:

  1. 介紹全新潛水裝備構造、全新潛水技巧以及全新潛水思維。裝備全程使用背板式BC與後氣囊,並配上極具效率及簡單的Hogathian裝備構造,發揮出應付各種潛水狀況的技巧。

  2. 本課程適合剛完成OW的新進潛水員、想學習技術潛水課程的進階潛水員、甚至是已經成為技術潛水員的老經驗潛水員。

  3. 本課程為主要目的是訓練出一個熟練水中技巧、了解自己能力極限、願意承擔潛水風險、有能力照顧潛伴及潛水團隊的負責任潛水員。

  • 課程內容:

  1. 學術課程:教室課程約3個小時

  2. 平靜水域實習:東北角或是游泳池一支氣瓶

  3. 開放水域實習:東北角海洋實習四支氣瓶,最後一支可以做體驗技術潛水!

  • 參加資格:

  1. 須具有等同於IANTD初級開放水域或其他相同等級資歷證書。

  2. 須年滿15歲,滿15歲未滿18歲學員須由監護人簽名同意使能參加。



  • Purpose:

  1. Introduce the Hogathian Gear Configuration with new skills and new thoughts and develop divers’ ability to adapt all kinds of underwater circumstances.

  2. This course is good for new diver who just certified as Open Water diver, also good for those experience diver who willing to learn more and devoted more to diving life.

  3. This course target to develop a skillful diver who willing to understand his own limit, take the risk of diving, help dive buddies, and capable to take the responsibility of a dive team member.

  • Prerequisites:

  1. You must be certified as an Open Water Diver or any Entry level diver equivalent.

  2. Must be a minimum of 15 years of age with parent or guardian authorization, or a minimum of 12 years of age for Junior diver qualification, or a minimum of 18 years of age without guardian approval.

For more course information, please check our Schdule or contact us

IANTD Open Water DPV Diver 開放水域水中推進器潛水員課程


  • 課程內容:

  1. 本課程設計是為了訓練潛水員在開放水域中使用水中推進器。

  2. 課程目的在於教導潛水員使用水中推進器遊玩、探險時必須考量到的風險、可能發生的問題、如何計劃潛水與發生問題時的處置。

  • 課程內容:

  1. 學術課程:教室課程約3個小時

  2. 開放水域實習:東北角海洋實習四支氣瓶

  • 參加資格:

  1. 須具有等同於IANTD進階開放水域或其他相同等級資歷證書。

  2. 須年滿15歲,滿15歲未滿18歲學員須由監護人簽名同意使能參加。



  • Purpose:

  1. This Program is designed to provide training in the use of Diver Propulsion Vehicles (DPV’s) in Open Water.  

  2. The purpose of this course is to expose divers to conservation concerns and ethical responsibilities that present themselves during DPV use either for touring, or exploration. 

  • Prerequisites:

  1. You must be certified as an Advanced Open Water Diver or any equvalent level diver.

  2. Must be a minimum of 15 years of age with parent or guardian authorization, or a minimum of 12 years of age for Junior diver qualification, or a minimum of 18 years of age without guardian approval.

For more course information, please check our Schdule or contact us

IANTD NItrox / Trimix Blender 高氧/氦氮氧配氣員課程


  • 課程內容:

  1. 本課程目的訓練有能力安全處理氧氣並充填高氧、氦氮氧及氦氧混合氣的配氣員。

  2. 課程內容包含了實作配氣及如何對裝備做適氧處理。

  • 課程內容:

  1. 學術課程:教室課程約6個小時含實作

  • 參加資格:

  1. 須具有等同於IANTD初級開放水域或其他相同等級資歷證書。

  2. 須年滿18歲,學員必須有實際配氣的需求。



  • Purpose:

  1. This Program is designed to train competent personnel in the safe handling of oxygen and the preparation of Trimix and Heliox. 

  2. The course include teach how to blending, also how to oxygen service the equiptment.

  • Prerequisites:

  1. You must be certified as an Open Water Diver or any Entry level diver equivalent.

  2. Must be a minimum of 18 years of age without guardian approval. and have the needs to become an gas blender.

For more course information, please check our Schdule or contact us

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